Monday, August 23, 2010

2010 Parent Nights

The dates have been set for these annual meetings, and in case you missed it in the main blog and in the August 20th edition of Principal's Forum, please follow the links below for all the details.
Parent Information Fair & BBQ - for All parents, but especially parents of 9th, 10th and 11th graders.
Senior Parent Information Pow Wow - Especially for parents of seniors.

The rest of the story:
About this time every year, we host several parent meetings often referred to as "Parent Nights", usually one night for each grade level. The fact is, this year there is so much information to share that we have to make some changes. And we think it’s a good thing. We have re-envisioned the format, and are also working collaboratively across many departments to bring this night into reality. This year we will have two fall parent nights, one geared for parents/guardians of underclassmen, and a second one JUST for parents of seniors. 

The fact is, everyone’s time is valuable. We realize it’s a challenge to attend the many annual events that fill the back to school calendar, so this year we are combing efforts hosting our first parent information night jointly with the PTSA’s annual Back to school BBQ. 
As featured in Principal's Forum August 20, 2010.